Welcome to the EPCAMR Homepage!
Mission Statement: “The general purpose of the organization [EPCAMR] is to encourage the reclamation and redevelopment of land affected by past mining practices. This includes reducing hazards to health and safety, eliminating soil erosion, improving water quality, [and] returning land affected by past mining practices to productive use, thereby improving the economy of the region.” -from the Preamble of the EPCAMR Bylaws.
Incorporation Date: January 15, 1997

Anthracite Trail Riders Club Cleans Up the Whaleback
March 4, 2012 – The Anthracite Trail Riders Club, a group of ATV riders and volunteers from Coal Township, is getting the Whaleback ready for a group of geology professors who will come to study the geologic formation. The Whaleback is an anticlinal exposure of folded rock near Shamokin. Given its locations near…
Solomon-Plains Elementary Students to Construct Solar Kilns to Dry Iron Oxide for EPCAMR

Solomon-Plains Elementary School was awarded a $2,000 grant from PP&L’s Empowering Educators Grant Program. The grant allows 6th grade students at Solomon-Plains to take a watershed tour of abandoned mine lands and streams impacted by Abandoned Mine Drainage (AMD) within and near the Wilkes-Barre Area School District (WBSD). The goal…
EPCAMR is a non-profit, non-government, non-partisan public charity dedicated to:
- Reducing health and safety hazards, eliminating soil erosion, improving water quality and endorsing the reclamation of abandoned mine lands to productive uses in the region, there by improving the economy.
- Promoting the spirit of cooperation among all parties with an interest in resolving abandoned mine drainage / abandoned mine land problems
- Serving as a liaison among the various governmental agencies (federal, state, and local), watershed associations, industry, and conservationists with a common goal of abandoned mine reclamation
- Encouraging the remining and reclamation of lands, streams, and resources impacted by mining
- Educating, informing, and involving the public with mine drainage and mine reclamation issues
- Seeking and acquiring available sources of funding for restoration, reclamation, education and assessment projects
- Providing assistance in developing watershed associations and coalitions interested in abandoned mine reclamation issues