Out of the Box Ideas

No matter how much structure you want, there are always going to be those crazy ideas that actually work!

We are creative thinkers here at EPCAMR or aren’t afraid to take a chance on someone else’s crazy idea or follow a fad.  As a small non-profit you have to be innovative with funding or you will simply cease to exist. Some crazy ideas that turned into projects include collecting iron oxide residuals in mine drainage and using them as a pigment (Iron Oxide Resource Recovery) which lead to products that we could sell for donations on our Online Store and Etsy.  Physical 3-D Train Scale Models of mining geology which lead to 3-D Underground Mine Pool Computer Modeling.

We recently took advantage of the crowdsourced funding wave and were able to make over $10K in donations from GiveGab.

…and other things that cannot be categorized.

It’s ok to admit that we have some ideas that can’t be pigeonholed into a specific category.

Shows that we are dynamic and passionate about our work.  🙂

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