Welcome to the EPCAMR Homepage!
Mission Statement: “The general purpose of the organization [EPCAMR] is to encourage the reclamation and redevelopment of land affected by past mining practices. This includes reducing hazards to health and safety, eliminating soil erosion, improving water quality, [and] returning land affected by past mining practices to productive use, thereby improving the economy of the region.” -from the Preamble of the EPCAMR Bylaws.
Incorporation Date: January 15, 1997

EPCAMR Involves “Watershed” High School Program from around Luzerne County in Solomon Creek’s Nockley Tributary Clean-ups and Stream Restoration Project

From May to November of 2013, the EPCAMR Staff, led by Executive Director, Robert Hughes and Watershed Outreach Intern, David Svab, along with local community support from a multitude of High School students involved in the Department of Conservation & Natural Resources (PA DCNR) “Watershed” Community Connections Environmental Education Program…
EPCAMR Continues Monitoring of Espy Run AMD Treatment System for the Earth Conservancy in the Nanticoke Creek Watershed

EPCAMR was contracted by the Earth Conservancy to monitor the Espy Run AMD Treatment System after rehabilitation and improvements were made in 2011 to allow additional iron to drop out by increasing the size of the polishing ponds in the aerobic wetlands system. EPCAMR assisted the Earth Conservancy in securing…
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EPCAMR is a non-profit, non-government, non-partisan public charity dedicated to:
- Reducing health and safety hazards, eliminating soil erosion, improving water quality and endorsing the reclamation of abandoned mine lands to productive uses in the region, there by improving the economy.
- Promoting the spirit of cooperation among all parties with an interest in resolving abandoned mine drainage / abandoned mine land problems
- Serving as a liaison among the various governmental agencies (federal, state, and local), watershed associations, industry, and conservationists with a common goal of abandoned mine reclamation
- Encouraging the remining and reclamation of lands, streams, and resources impacted by mining
- Educating, informing, and involving the public with mine drainage and mine reclamation issues
- Seeking and acquiring available sources of funding for restoration, reclamation, education and assessment projects
- Providing assistance in developing watershed associations and coalitions interested in abandoned mine reclamation issues
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