The Just Transition Fund Awards EPCAMR $25K Planning and Outreach Grant to Reach New Partners in the Solar Markets to Discuss Future Development Opportunities on Reclaimed Abandoned Mine Lands in PA Coalfield Communities

EPCAMR tried for a second time to propose a grant to The Just Transition Fund’s Cycle 2 round of funding in the Fall of 2021 for a planning and outreach effort to build our capacity for supporting efforts across PA to look into the solar market development in our coalfield…

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PA DEP Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation and EPCAMR Highlight Legacy Abandoned Mine Lands & AMD with Inside Climate News Reporter

Air, Land, Water Highlighted on Tour provided in NEPA while Congress Considers the Future of Funds that support Reclamation of Abandoned Mine Lands First and foremost, EPCAMR wants to acknowledge all of the coalition partners, reclamation-related industries, Conservation Districts, Trout Unlimited Chapters, watershed associations, and coalfield community groups that have…

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