EPCAMR Seeking to Sponsor 2 Office of Surface Mining Reclamation & Enforcement AmeriCorps Positions

EPCAMR is seeking to sponsor two Office of Surface Mining Reclamation & Enforcement (OSMRE) AmeriCorps positions beginning as soon as possible. EPCAMR will host, train, and supervise the selected candidates, but compensation will be provided by the OSMRE. The selected candidates will be supplied with office space within the Earth Conservancy building in Ashley, PA, where the EPCAMR office is located. The EPCAMR Executive Director will be interviewing potential candidates throughout the months of July and August. We must have the positions filled by the end of September 2016. EPCAMR is mindful of the commitment of the OSMRE to diversity in the recruitment for these positions. The positions will allow the selected candidates to gain valuable experience with a federal agency.

This is a typical underground mine map of the Holmes Vein in the Silver Creek Colliery, Blythe Twp., East Schuylkill County District, Reading Anthracite Collieries from the Southern Anthracite Coal Fields with various symbols contained on it.

An underground mine map of the Holmes vein in the Silver Creek Colliery of Blythe Township, PA 

Project Title for Position 1: GIS & Mine Pool Mapping Project Coordinator

GIS & Mine Pool Mapping Support for the Pennsylvania Northern Anthracite Coalfield Communities


EPCAMR believes the support provided by the OSMRE/AmeriCorps member will impact our regional coalfield communities in a variety of positive ways. The member will use ArcGIS and 3D Mine Pool Modeling software to create and coordinate regional training sessions and workshops. 60% of their time will be focused on GIS mapping, 3D mine pool modeling, and the development of training workshops for OSMRE/AmeriCorps through the agreement EPCAMR has with the OSMRE TIPS Program. The member will also assist in monitoring mine pool water elevations and water quality, as well as take flow and chemistry at abandoned mine drainage (AMD) discharges. The other 40% of their time will be spent on GeoMap and other OSMRE responsibilities.

The support of this project will greatly improve NE PA’s understanding of the complex and vast underground mine workings and mine pools that lie beneath the majority of the coalfields. Data collected and maps produced will allow EPCAMR to seek funds that can infuse grant funds and leverage dollars to support other remediation, reclamation, and economic redevelopment projects. The project will provide training to OSMRE/AmeriCorps nationally working in abandoned mine impacted communities by EPCAMR Staff, who are nationally recognized by OSM for our work in 3D Mine Pool Modeling and Mapping. Dozens of new non-traditional partnerships with private sector interests looking to treat AMD will be created to improve the quality of life in coal impacted communities and create jobs. Recommendations of proposed projects will be pursued for implementation based on newly created mine pool boundaries, volumes of water potentially being stored in the underground workings, and the potential for the use of the underground storage for consumptive use or low flow augmentation projects.

The position will develop and coordinate regional training programs for on AMD water quality monitoring, the use of GIS in watershed assessments of AMD impacted watersheds, and the use of 3D Software (ArcGIS, EarthVision and GlobalMapper) for the creation and development of mapping underground mine pools, which EPCAMR is a national leader in doing, in partnership with the OSMRE TIPS Program already. It is expected that the AmeriCorps Member will spend 40% of his or her work on these types of trainings. The remaining 60% will be used to  support EPCAMR’s needs to provide direct service and continuous support to a large number of coalfield community groups that are volunteer-based and in constant need of technical assistance, fundraising, education, outreach, and capacity building. The project will allow EPCAMR to catalog historic mine map collections from the State and private collections that will be eventually scanned, digitized, and geo-referenced to be used in EPCAMR’s mine pool modeling efforts. The positions will allow them to address public health and safety concerns that surround abandoned mine lands and AMD impacted areas through the development of GIS and Mine Mapping Education programs, the flow and chemistry monitoring of AMD discharges and treatment locations, and increasing the awareness of problems and solutions associated with abandoned mine lands. The project will allow the positions to research GIS grants and foundations options to support EPCAMR activities such as service learning projects, field tours, and to participate in the coordination of our 19th year State-wide Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference.


Huber Breaker Historic Preservation Tour provided by EPCAMR's Executive Director.

Huber Breaker Historic Preservation Tour provided by EPCAMR’s Executive Director.

Project Title for Position 2:

Education & Outreach Capacity Building Support for the Northern Anthracite PA Coalfield Communities


The support provided by the OSMRE/AmeriCorps member will impact our regional Northern Anthracite PA Coalfields Communities in a variety of positive ways. The member will create, conduct, and provide, outdoor environmental educational programs and experiences to students in underserved schools and coalfield communities on AMD and abandoned mine land reclamation. Community outreach efforts will be promoted into the most heavily distressed communities impacted by abandoned mines, where existing partnerships will become strengthened through an increase in awareness of EPCAMR’s work and other reclamation partners within the region. 60% of the time spent on direct service in building capacity with the EPCAMR Staff will be conducted to create viable reclamation, remediation, and environmental education, environmental action, and outreach programs, provide historic preservation support, and give technical services and assistance to our constituents. EPCAMR’s volunteer management and recruit to support the regional projects, programs, and events will be strengthened. 40% of the time will be spent on GeoMap and other OSMRE workload responsibilities.

The support of this project will reclaim acres of abandoned mine lands. It will infuse grant funds and leverage dollars to support local projects. Miles of riparian corridors will be stabilized and planted during restoration projects. Thousands of underserved students will be educated on abandoned mine land environmental issues and water pollution problems within the Northern Anthracite Coalfields. Hundreds of trees will be planted. The project will provide training to OSMRE/AmeriCorps nationally working in abandoned mine impacted communities. Dozens of new non-traditional community partnerships will be created to improve the quality of life in coal impacted communities. Recommendations of proposed projects will be pursued for implementation based on watershed assessments and watershed restoration plans completed by EPCAMR and the member.

The project will result in supporting EPCAMR’s needs to provide direct service and continuous support to a large number of volunteer-based, coalfield community groups in constant need of technical assistance, education, outreach, and capacity building. The project will address public health and safety concerns that surround abandoned mine lands and polluted waterways impacted by AMD. The project will enhance our recruitment, enlistment, training, coordination, and communications with our volunteer base more regularly.  The project will allow EPCAMR to build on our Volunteer Management Program called RECLAIM Crew that encourages our regional volunteers of all ages to be engaged in EPCAMR programs, field activities, cleanups, restoration and preservation projects, tree plantings, and advocate for our work. The position will allow them to address public health and safety concerns that surround abandoned mine lands and AMD impacted areas through the development of education programs, the monitoring of AMD discharges and treatment locations, and increasing the awareness of problems and solutions associated with abandoned mine lands. The project will allow the positions to research grants and foundations, options to support EPCAMR activities such as service learning projects, community environmental fairs, art project with AMD, field tours, nature photography tours, hikes, river festivals, and to participate in the coordination of our 18 year State-wide Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference. 40% of the time will be spent on GeoMap and other OSMRE workload responsibilities.

Members receive:
  • A stipend of $300/week
  • A Segal Education Award through the Corporation for National and Community Service/AmeriCorps (roughly $5,700)
  • Loan forbearance on Federal loans
  • Health insurance and workers compensation (this does not come out of their stipend)
  • Eligibility for Federal assistance programs, such as SNAP
  • Personal and sick leave, as well as observance of all Federal holidays
  • Potential qualification for Federal non-competitive eligibility
  • Access to two team training and OSMRE professional training

Following the selection process and offering of the 2 positions, a start date will be determined, and additionally necessary application forms will need to be completed that will take some time for background checks that are mandatory and will be conducted by OSMRE.

Please download all documents at the links below and follow the instructions on the OSMRE AmeriCorps Site ApplicationEPCAMR document.

OSMRE.AMERICORPS Member Program One-Pager final

OSMRE AmeriCorps Site ApplicationEPCAMR

OSMRE AmeriCorps Member Compensation Summary



About Bobby Hughes

Bobby Hughes is the Executive Director for EPCAMR since the inception of the organization in 1997. For more information please visit his biography page.

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