EPCAMR develops Green Infrastructure concept plans in Wilkes-Barre

EPCAMR develops green infrastructure concept plans for green spaces in Wilkes-Barre with $49,500 grant through the National Fish Wildlife Foundation Chesapeake Bay technical capacity program

This technical assistance grant project completed the planning and conceptual designs for water quality improvement projects in nine (9) public green spaces in the City of Wilkes-Barre at no cost to the City. The projects were identified in the City of Wilkes-Barre, PA’s Green Action Plan developed and written by EPCAMR Executive Director, Bobby Hughes, in consult with the City of Wilkes-Barre Bureau of Operations, and LandStudies, Inc. in 2017. In 2018, EPCAMR submitted the grant and partnered with Clauser Environmental, LLC, and the City of Wilkes-Barre to complete the Chesapeake Bay Technical Capacity Grant.  The project included the identification of green infrastructure and City greening opportunities, creating concept plans highlighting potential best management practice (BMP) locations, and the development of conceptual details for the various BMPs proposed. All of the watershed areas had also been previously mining impacted by historic anthracite deep and surface mining that have led to various environmental impacts to the land and streams. Continue reading