$5000 in Illegal Dump Site Cleanup Funds Awarded to EPCAMR by Community Aid

In late November 2016, the EPCAMR Executive Director received good news from Valerie Stewart, Executive Assistant for Community Aid, Inc.,  a 501 (c)(3), nonprofit organization with the primary purpose of raising funds for distribution to local schools, churches, synagogues, temples and nonprofit charitable organizations. Community Aid aspires to serve their community by…

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EPCAMR Seeking to Sponsor 2 Office of Surface Mining Reclamation & Enforcement AmeriCorps Positions

EPCAMR is seeking to sponsor two Office of Surface Mining Reclamation & Enforcement (OSMRE) AmeriCorps positions beginning as soon as possible. EPCAMR will host, train, and supervise the selected candidates, but compensation will be provided by the OSMRE. The selected candidates will be supplied with office space within the Earth Conservancy building…

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