Existing Plans:
We like to think of these reports as “living” reports as opposed to ones that have been compiled, put on a shelf and never to be opened again. These watershed restoration plans identify the problems and suggest steps to cleaning them up. Since most are are attached to an active watershed group(s), it has become a part of their strategic plan and gets updated often as they continue to tackle cleanup projects.
3D Mine Pool Mapping
Anthracite Region Stream Remediation Strategy
Watersheds in the Anthracite Region
EPCAMR Staff are also available to assist groups in developing watershed plans that will accurately reflect the needs of the organization to perform a comprehensive watershed assessment and/or abandoned mine reclamation plans. EPCAMR has assisted numerous groups in the development of watershed level assessment plans and reports. Prior work includes writing or contributing to the following plans/reports:
- WRAS (Watershed Restoration Action Strategy)
- RCP (PA DCNR Rivers Conservation Plan)
- CHP (PA DCNR Coldwater Heritage Plan)
- WSR (Watershed Stewardship Reports)
- CBTS (Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy)
- TMDL (PA DEP Total Maximum Daily Load)
- WRIR (USGS Water-Resource Investigation Report)
- OFR (USGS Open File Report)
- Operation SCARLIFT
- QHUP (PA DEP BAMR Qualified Hydrologic Unit Plans)