Solomon Creek Dam is located on the upper reaches of Solomon Creek in Luzerne County. The dam is an approximate 4-ft high structure that serves no functional purpose, is in a state of severe disrepair, contributes to accelerated erosion and restricts fish passage. In addition, there are a series of rock “check” dams that further contribute to erosion and degrade instream habitat. The dam and surrounding area are located on property owned by Ashley Borough that was donated to them by the Earth Conservancy in 1996.
The upper reaches of Solomon Creek support a Class A wild brook trout population and can be considered among the best wild brook trout streams in the state. In addition to the upstream wild trout resources, the project site is a popular fishing area maintained through stockings by the Ashley Trout Stocking Association. The PA Fish and Boat Commission is working with the Eastern PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation to secure funding to implement the removal of Solomon Creek Dam and associated check dams to restore the natural form and function of the stream channel, enhance instream and riparian habitats and provide additional cross sectional area for the stream to convey high flows in this area. The project will aim to limit erosion by providing additional relief during high flow events and enhance instream and riparian habitats to benefit wild trout resources and provide enhanced recreational angling opportunities at the site.

Underground Mine Map under Solomon Creek showing mines under and around the stream channel just off Cook St., Ashley
The project scope will include removing the dam remnants and additional “check” dams to restore the natural flow pattern to the creek. A series of up to four double-throated rock cross vanes will be constructed in the channel to help control the slope of the stream bed, maintain a centralized flow path and provide scour pools for holding cover. The left descending bank will be contoured with a floodplain bench and sloped at a 2:1 grade to prevent additional erosion. Project partners hope to grade excess bank fill material into the existing site contours to limit off site disposal of material. Additionally, project partners will work to organize a riparian planting project that will further help to stabilize banks and shade the stream channel in the future. PFBC and EPCAMR plan to work with local partners (Ashley Borough, Ashley Trout Stocking Association, Stanley Cooper Chapter Trout Unlimited) to meet expectations of the local community.
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