EPCAMR Staff provides GIS mapping services to watershed organizations, nonprofits, reclamation-related groups, and municipalities in the EPCAMR Region that are impacted by AMD and/or AML.
RAMLIS GIS Tool Development
Global Positioning System (GPS) Field Work
Underground Mine Map Processing for the PA MSI Program
EPCAMR Staff has been collecting state-wide GIS data layers to aid in the assessment of environmental and economic effects of abandoned mine drainage (AMD) and abandoned mine lands (AML).
We have a collection of web maps available at epcamr.maps.arcgis.com

Qualifying areas must have at least 5% of their total watershed or municipality contained within an area impacted by AMD or AML. There will be a small charge to cover production and staff time. Areas with less than 5% will be placed on a lower priority list.
Many conservation districts in the EPCAMR Region may also provide this type of assistance. Please contact your county conservation district for more information. You may also want to visit our Links page for additional GIS/GPS Assistance. For more information about using GIS technology for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (AMR), please visit the Technical Innovation and Professional Services (TIPS) website.
Below is a list of data layers available in the EPCAMR GIS Database. Individual data layers may be requested via e-mail and can be sent to the requester via e-mail. Files too large to be sent over the internet can be copied to CD and sent via snail mail to the requester (shipping charges may apply). Many of these files can also be downloaded from the PASDA Website. Files indicated with a "*" can be found on PASDA. Layers with a "?" are still in draft form, awaiting review.
EPCAMR Collection of GIS Data (approximately 34 GB)
Organized by : Geographic Boundaries --or-- Watershed Boundaries
EPCAMR is continually seeking out and creating new GIS Data, please contact staff for a more complete list.
General notes about GIS Data: Data from a larger region can be clipped to a smaller region, but not vice versa; Clipped data may be less precise depending on the scale it was drawn; Additional surveying may be needed for greater detail; Data is intended to be used for planning and educational uses only.
1. Organized by Geographic Boundaries
- National
- Coal Seam Boundaries (USGS)
- Shaded Relief
- Cities with 1998 Census Data (ESRI 2004)
- Agricultural Census by County (ESRI 2004)
- US Congressional Districts*
- Pennsylvania
- County Boundaries (PennDOT 2006)*
- State Boundaries (PennDOT 2006)*
- Municipal Boundaries - Minor Civil Divisions (PennDOT 2005)*
- State Roads (PennDOT 2005)*
- School District Boundaries (PennDOT 2006)*
- PA Senate Boundaries (PennDOT 2009)*
- PA House of Representatives Boundaries (PennDOT 2009)*
- Digital Raster Grids (USGS Topo Quads 24K Scale)*
- Digital Elevation Models (USGS 1999 County Files)*
- Digital Ortho Quads - Grayscale Aerial Photos - 3 meter resolution (PA MAP 2000)*
- Digital Ortho Quads - Color Infrared Aerial Photos - 3 meter resolution (USDA 2004)*
- Digital Ortho Quads - Full Color Aerial Photos - 1 meter resolution (PA MAP 2005)*
- Bedrock Geology (PA Geologic Survey 2001)*
- Glacial Border - Late Wisconsinan (PA Geologic Survey 1995)*
- Coal Mining Operations (PA DEP 2009)*
- Unsuitable Mining Areas (PA DEP 2002)*
- Small Forested Wetlands (GAP program)
- Exceptional Value Watersheds
- 303(d) List of Impaired Waters (PA DEP BWM November 2004)
- Integrated List of Waters Attaining Use & Non Attaining Use (PA DEP BWM 2009)*
- AMD Impacted Streams (PA DEP BWM 2009, EPCAMR 2009)
- Stormwater Watersheds - Act 176 (PA DEP 2002)*
- Flood Plane Boundaries (FEMA 2000)*
- Precipitation - Average (1961) - Yearly (1990) - Monthly (1990)*
- County Parks (Point)*
- PA State Game Lands (PGC 2004)*
- PA State Forests (PA DCNR 2004)*
- Abandoned Mine Land Problem Area Polygons (PA DEP 2009)*
- Growing Greener Points (PA DEP 1991-2001)
- Networked Streams (PA DEP 1996)
- National Land Cover Dataset (PA Geo Survey 2000)*
- Major Watershed Boundaries (ERRI)*
- Small Watershed Boundaries (ERRI 1996)
- Small Watershed Boundaries Plus (ERRI 1996, EPCAMR 2009)
- EPCAMR Region
- Mine Pools (EPCAMR 2008, USGS 2007, EMARR 2000)?
- Mine Colliery Boundaries (PA DEP DMO)?
- Barrier Pillars (EPCAMR 2008)?
- Mine Drainage Tunnels (EPCAMR 2008, USGS 2007, EMARR 2000)?
- Surface Water to Underground Mine Infiltration Points (EPCAMR 2008, SRBC 1999)?
- AMD Anthracite Region Discharges (USGS 100 Greatest Discharges Report 1990)
- AMD Sludge Sampling Project Points and Tonnage Estimates (EPCAMR 2003)
- Anthracite Coal Fields (USGS, EPCAMR 2007)*
- Watershed Organization Boundaries (EPCAMR 2005)
- Small Watershed Boundaries with RWSI Program Information (EPCAMR 2003)
- Local Roads (Merged from each County RDX flies)*
- Luzerne County
- National Wetlands Inventory
- Exceptional Watershed Boundaries
- Hydrology - Stream and Lake Outlines and Center Lines (Luzerne Co. 2000)
- Streams Chapter 93 Designation Added (EPCAMR 2003)
- Local Roads (Luzerne Co. 2000)
- Major Roads (Luzerne Co. 2000)
- Dirt and Gravel Roads (LCCD 2002)
- Rail Roads - Active and Inactive Rail Trail Status
- County Soils (USDA)
- Soils Best Suited for Farming (Luzerne Co. 2004)
- Agricultural Security Areas (Luzerne Co. 2004)
- Preserved Farms (LCCD 2004)
- Pipelines
- 500 ft Ridgelines Buffer
- Points of Historical Significance
- Natural Areas
- Stewardship Areas
- Agricultural Easements
- Conservation Easements
- Urban Areas
- Developed Areas
- Forested Areas
- Steep Slopes
- Proposed Open Space Areas
- Lackawanna County
- Cropped Digital Elevation Model Raster
- Cropped Shaded Relief Raster
- 150 ft Stream Buffers
- Points of Historical Significance
- Lakes and Waterbodies
- Natural Stewardship Areas
- Rail Trails
- Reclaimed Minelands
- Proposed Open Space Areas
- Schuylkill County
- County Soils (USDA)
- Parcels (Schuylkill Co. 2000)
- Deep Mines
- Surface Mines
- Geologic Formations
- Columbia County
- Soils (USDA)
- Susquehanna County
- Mines & Quarries - Active and Abandoned (SCCD 2002)
- WPCAMR Region
- Counties
- Small Watersheds
2. Organized by Watershed Boundaries
- Delaware River Basin/Lehigh River (Wildlands Conservancy 2000)
- 2004 303(d) list of Impaired Waters
- AMD Basins
- High Quality Cold Water Fishery, Exceptional Value, Chapter 93
- Streams
- Drinking Water Withdrawal
- Aquifers
- Dams
- Flood Prone Areas
- Groundwater Supplies (Points)
- Public Water Supplies (Points)
- River
- NPDES Points
- Small Watersheds (PA Gazetteer)
- AMD Discharges
- Abandoned Mines (Points)
- Coal Fields
- CERCLA Sites
- Forests
- Geologic Formations
- Physiographic Providences
- State Forests
- Soils
- Wetlands
- Mine Operations
- Abandoned Mine Lands (Polygons)
- Natural Areas
- Summits (Points)
- Cities (Points)
- Counties (Polygons)
- Towns (Points)
- Townships (Polygons)
- Urban Areas (Polygons)
- Highways
- Interstates
- Local & County Roads
- Major Roads
- Susquehanna River Basin
- Hydrography Polygons - Lakes, Reservoirs, Rivers (SRBC)*
- Catawissa Creek
- Watershed Boundary
- Fish Species Occurrence*
- Audenried & Green Mountain Discharges (Lines)
- Green Mountain Tunnel Wetland Plant Communities (EPCAMR 2004)
- Streams
- Roads
- 2004 303(d) List of Impaired Waters
- Municipal Boundaries
- AMD Outfalls
- Sample Points (Catawissa Creek Restoration Association)
- Schuylkill, Luzerne, Columbia Soils
- Nescopeck Creek
- Jeddo Treatment Area Proposed (EPCAMR 2003)
- 2004 303(d) List of Impaired Waters
- Municipal Boundaries
- Roads
- Streams
- Wyoming Valley Watershed
- Watershed Boundaries
- Macro-Invertebrate Identification Points (EPCAMR/OSM 2002)
The maps produced by EPCAMR are for educational or planning purposes only. EPCAMR shall not be held liable for any errors in the GIS data. Data accuracy depends on the source and scale the layer was drawn. Additional surveying may be needed for greater detail. The Office of Surface Mining (OSM) provides EPCAMR with the GIS software through a memorandum of agreement to produce maps for mining-impacted communities.
EPCAMR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with members consisting of conservation district and community group representatives from 14 counties in the Pennsylvania's Anthracite Coal Region. The PA DEP 319 Program funds the work of the Executive Director and Program Manager. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the EPA, DEP, or any of their sub-agencies.
EPCAMR acquires, develops, maintains and uses GIS data in support of its internal business functions and the public services it provides. The GIS data that EPCAMR distributes and to which it provides access may not be suitable for other purposes or uses. It is the requester's responsibility to verify any information derived from the GIS data before making any decisions or taking any actions based on said information.
EPCAMR shall not be held liable for any errors in the GIS data. This includes errors of omission, commission, errors concerning the content of the data, and relative and positional accuracy of the data. Source information used for this data may have been collected at different scales, times, or definitions, resulting in inconsistencies among features represented together on any resulting map. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of information. The sources can be found in the metadata. EPCAMR assumes no legal responsibility for this information.
This data has been developed using public funds. The data is therefore in the public domain. Users agree they will not sell this data, sell access to the data, or provide for such to be sold, except as allowed under Pennsylvania Law. As a condition of providing access to electronic GIS data, EPCAMR reserves the right to require that the user agree in writing that the data will not be resold or otherwise used for trade or commercial purposes. EPCAMR reserves the right to license clients to reproduce GIS data for royalty fees based on the resale of the data and or based on a reciprocal agreement of products, services, or data.
The GIS information provided is the property of EPCAMR. The user may not prepare copies, reproduce, prepare derivative works, display, or distribute copies of said information without prior written permission from EPCAMR, regardless of whether or not such distribution is for financial gain.
The data user shall affix the following notice on all copies of the data layers (digital, media, or otherwise) in such a manner and location to give notice:
“Copyright, by EPCAMR. All rights reserved. No part of this data may be copied, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, whether graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from EPCAMR.”
EPCAMR does not guarantee the data and map services will be available to users without interruption or error. Furthermore, EPCAMR may modify or remove map services and access methods at will.
These materials are protected by federal and international law including Title 17 of the United States Code. Users are prohibited from making any unauthorized reproduction, adaptation, performance, display or distribution of these materials. Violators are subject criminal and civil liabilities including imprisonment and damages up to $150,000 per work.
The GIS information provided to you is provided "as is" and "with all faults." EPCAMR disclaims any and all warranties and representations of quality, performance, content, title, completeness, accuracy, effectiveness, reliability, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement.