Candidate Stream for Reassessment
Have a stream that was polluted, but now is cleaner? Tell us about it in the form below. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) is eager to know of stream improvements and begin the process of removing streams from the Integrated List of Impaired Waters (formerly the 303 (d) List) through the TMDL Process...
Abandoned Mine Land Trust Fund
The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 provides for the restoration of mine lands, abandoned or left inadequately restored before August 3, 1977. Production fees of 35 cents per ton of surface-mined coal, 15 cents per ton of coal mined underground, and 10 cents per ton of lignite have been collected from coal producers...
Write to your Legislators
You have probably been directed here from another page on this site urging action. So, now that you are an expert in all things abandoned mine related, please speak out about the issues. Be sure to speak to the right level of government depending on the particular issue. Write your Federal Legislators... Please visit ...
COALition for a Coal Miners Commemorative Postage Stamp
The Coal Miner Stamp was approved as a part of the "Made-in-America" movement! The stamps were released by the U.S. Postal Service in the Fall of 2013. This win represents over a decade of contacting state and federal elected officials, newspapers, coal-related tourist sites and authors, celebrities, etc., whose letter to the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee...