Bobby Hughes is the Executive Director for EPCAMR since the inception of the organization in 1997. For more information please visit his biography page.

Holly Halecki, Wikes-Barre Twp.-PA, and Senior at King’s College becomes the first EPCAMR Watershed Outreach Intern for the Spring 2014 Semester

 Holly is currently a Senior Environmental Studies major at King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA. After graduation she hopes to work with a   wildlife agency such as the PA Game Commission, US Fish & Wildlife Service, or for the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).  Holly currently works at the Shoe Department as…

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Frank Knorek, Nanticoke native fills the Volunteer Position of Community Development Coordinator Working on a Ceramics/Pottery Program Utilizing EPCAMR’s Iron Oxides for Glazes and Art

EPCAMR is proud to announce that one of several volunteer positions has been filled, by Frank Knorek, as Community Development Coordinator to assist us with developing a ceramics and pottery program that utilizes the iron oxide byproduct from remediated AMD cleanup sites throughout the Wyoming Valley for glazes and artwork.…

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