Bobby Hughes is the Executive Director for EPCAMR since the inception of the organization in 1997. For more information please visit his biography page.

Alternative Energy Co-Generation Plants Donate a Combined $50K to Coalitions over the last 5 years

See the attached article on the regional groups that have been supported by ARIPPA, EPCAMR, and WPCAMR through donations over the last 5 years to support abandoned mine land reclamation, stream restoration, illegal dump site cleanups, mine drainage treatment system rehabilitation or repairs, and environmental education programs throughout PA’s Bituminous…

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Clean Up Centralia: EPCAMR Assesses Trash Problem in America’s Lost Town for October 25th 2014 Cleanup

In 1962, the small town of Centralia, PA was burdened by a large mine fire. After many failed attempts to put it out, the fire grew bigger and moved underneath the town, cracking streets and leaking toxic gases into the air. For the health and safety of Centralians, families and businesses had…

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