Bobby Hughes is the Executive Director for EPCAMR since the inception of the organization in 1997. For more information please visit his biography page.

EPCAMR Promotes Samantha Schafer to GIS Specialist from GIS Technician on the Mine Subsidence Insurance Mapping Project

EPCAMR Executive Director wanted to announce that Samantha Schafer has been promoted to GIS Specialist from GIS Technician on the Mine Subsidence Insurance Mapping Grant. She will begin to work along Dave Svab to begin to digitize many of the thousands of mine maps that EPCAMR has acquired from the…

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Northern Anthracite Coalfields Appalachian EPCAMR Collaborative Waterboxx Project Phase III 2 Year Project funded for $15,000

Inquiring Systems Inc., a California non-profit corporation has awarded EPCAMR with a 2  Year, $15,000 project management agreement to continue research work and to promote the use of the innovative Waterboxx Technology, patented by Groassis, an international company founded in Holland, for planting tree seedlings in our communities, on our…

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