Bobby Hughes is the Executive Director for EPCAMR since the inception of the organization in 1997. For more information please visit his biography page.

EPCAMR provides Nanticoke Conservation Club with $500 for Disposal & Dumping Costs for AML Cleanup

EPCAMR will be continuing its 20 year partnership with The Nanticoke Conservation Club on a scheduled Spring Cleanup on abandoned mine lands at an illegal dump site off Access Road to Whitney Point, that runs through Newport Township and the City of Nanticoke, and Luzerne County, PA on Saturday, April…

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Mine Land Reclamation Groups Laud Introduction of Federal RECLAIM Act

Congressmen Thompson and Cartwright original sponsors of bill that would put coal miners back to work and spur economic development in coal field communities   Alexandria, PA (March 28, 2017) Members of the Pennsylvania Coalitions for Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation today thanked Congressmen Thompson and Cartwright for their support for…

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