Michael Hewitt is the Program Manager for EPCAMR and has worked in several capacities for the organization since 2001. For more information please visit his biography page.

ARIPPA 2011 Award Grant Application Now Open through EPCAMR

EPCAMR has once again partnered with the Anthracite Region Independent Power Producer’s Association (ARIPPA), to commemorate their 21st Anniversary, by offering a competitive award to watershed organizations working on abandoned mine land (AML) and/or abandoned mine drainage (AMD) remediation projects. Grants, at a maximum of $5,000, will be awarded to…

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EPCAMR Awarded a $6000 Grant to Conduct a Coldwater Conservation Project

EPCAMR is to complete an assessment & implementation recommendation report for the Solomon Creek Watershed in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania “This type of grassroots conservation work is vital for the future of the state’s streams and wild trout fisheries,” said PFBC Executive Director, John Arway. “Coldwater conservation plans help to build…

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