EPCAMR Promotes Two Mining GIS Technical Assistance Center Staff Recently

Just a few short weeks ago Kelsey Biondo and Dave Svab were promoted to new positions within EPCAMR on the PA DEP Mine Map Project. “There are so many great projects happening in and out of the EPCAMR Office that is has been difficult to keep up on letting the public know of the importance not only of our work, but of the expertise and knowledge of our own Staff that are critical to our ongoing success, Robert Hughes, EPCAMR Executive Director, enthusiastically stated.  The Mine Map Project roject aims to scan, geo-reference, and digitize mine maps from the entire Anthracite Region, with a recent focus on the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valleys, in order to make it easier for the general public and businesses to find out if what lies beneath them is in fact an underground abandoned mine, or a stable location, suitable to both build a home, or even to locate a business. These maps, once put into the digital archives of the



PA Historic Underground Mine Mapping Inventory System (PHUMMIS) online, can then be looked at in detail by the public to see if they would need to apply for Mine Subsidence Insurance. A large majority of the public in the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley alone, don’t have mine subsidence insurance, and this effort will help to either alleviate their concerns about the underground mine workings or it could lead them to purchase the insurance as a necessity should something like a mine subsidence hole open up in their neighborhood or under their home.



Kelsey Biondo, who has been working on the project since its start in October 2013, was promoted to GIS Mine Map Program Coordinator. Kelsey was also a former EPCAMR Watershed Outreach Intern with EPCAMR. “Over the last year, Kelsey has become proficient in all aspects of the DEP Mine Map Project and has gained valuable experience that I think will allow her to oversee the successful implementation of the project and the workloads of the other two part-time Staff  and any seasonal interns that might join us throughout the year. I can’t tell you enough how proficient, professional, and hard-working our Staff really are. I think they enjoy their jobs. I try to get them the right mix of field work, breaks from the computer screens, outdoor field learning experiences, and team spirit that makes our Office function well. We’ve often compared ourselves to the environmental version of “The Office”, with all of the personalities that mix very well throughout the work day and the public that walks through our doors often on a spur of the moment.” Robert stated with confidence.


Kelsey Biondo, EPCAMR's newly promoted GIS Mine Map Program Coordinator and her boyfriend Bill Smith.

Kelsey Biondo, EPCAMR’s newly promoted GIS Mine Map Program Coordinator and her boyfriend Bill Smith.


As GIS Mine Map Program Coordinator, Kelsey will submit monthly reports detailing EPCAMR’s progress on the project in addition to keeping an Inventory Control Sheet for organizational purposes of the thousands of maps that EPCAMR has been cataloguing, scanning, geo-referencing, and digitizing for the Commonwealth of PA. Other new responsibilities include assisting others working on the Mine Map Project along with increased communication with the Executive Director, Robert Hughes, and the Program Manager, Michael Hewitt on the Mine Map Project and other ongoing EPCAMR projects.


Perhaps the most exciting part of Kelsey’s new job as GIS Mine Map Program Coordinator is her promotion to Full Time! Congratulations Kelsey!


Dave Svab, who has been working on the project since April 2014, was promoted from Part-time GIS Technician to Part-time GIS Specialist. When Dave first began work on the Mine Map Project, he started out by simply scanning maps and cataloging data into PHUMMIS, the State computer system where all of the digital map information is stored. Dave was a former volunteer with EPCAMR, who then became a Watershed Outreach Intern, working with EPCAMR on stream restoration projects, environmental education programs, water monitoring efforts, and illegal dump site and stream cleanups. “Dave has worked his way up the ranks, much like every other Staff person within EPCAMR has, learning along the way about the multidisciplinary aspects of our work in the EPCAMR Region on a number of projects and programs that we have to juggle and coordinate.” stated Robert.

Dave Svab (second from Robert)-GIS Specialist, and the EPCAMR Crew on the Sugar Notch Trail

Dave Svab (second from Robert)-GIS Specialist, and the EPCAMR Crew on the Sugar Notch Trail


As a GIS Specialist, Dave is now familiar with certain aspects of GIS and is able to geo-reference maps. In addition, because Dave has gained knowledge about GIS and geo-referencing, he is now able to assist others on the Mine Map Project.  Congratulations Dave!

About Bobby Hughes

Bobby Hughes is the Executive Director for EPCAMR since the inception of the organization in 1997. For more information please visit his biography page.

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