EPCAMR Executive Director wanted to announce that Samantha Schafer has been promoted to GIS Specialist from GIS Technician on the Mine Subsidence Insurance Mapping Grant. She will begin to work along Dave Svab to begin to digitize many of the thousands of mine maps that EPCAMR has acquired from the PA DEP Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation, Office of Surface Mining, Private Collections, Blue Coal Corporation, and the Pottsville District Mining Office. She has scanned several thousand maps and has gone above and beyond her normal workload for the last 3 months and as a part of her probationary review process, EPCAMR was able to promote her to GIS Specialist to begin to now digitize polygon features in ArcGIS of the thousands of coal vein layers and extents of coal mining that will be taken from the mine maps that she had previously scanned along with other EPCAMR Staff. Great job Samantha!! Moving on up…yet still working underground!

Samantha Schafer, was promoted recently to GIS Specialist with EPCAMR.
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