Carly Cirangle, University of Scranton Human Resource Management Major Volunteering with EPCAMR to Organize our File Management and Personnel File System

EPCAMR welcomes one of our latest Community Service Volunteers, Carly Cirangle, a Senior at the University of Scranton, majoring in Human Resource Management with a minor in Business and Psychology. Carly grew up in Manalapan, New Jersey, and is originally from Rome, Italy. Carly sought an opportunity in management with a non-profit organization that needed assistance in order to use her administrative and communication skills to both increase her experiences in this field of interest and to help create some added efficiency to the human resource management side of EPCAMR, which is needed. EPCAMR does not have funding to support a Human Resources Manager or Payroll Department, so the work that she is doing to set up individual files on all of our Staff and Volunteers and to create databases that we can have quick access to will be a great asset to our small organization. Her work will compliment the time being spent by our part-time Bookkeeper, Dierdre Jolley, who inputs all of our financial information into QuickBooks and scans and records our deposits, expenses, and grant tracking.

Carly Cirangle happily planting trees and landscaping around them at an event.

Carly Cirangle happily planting trees and landscaping around them at an event.

Carly is involved with the Society of Human Resources Management #0519, Northeast PA and has worked with the U. of Scranton to help clean up the City Streets on campus, organized a safe Halloween trick or treat walk for underpriveleged youth, and has collaborated with the Health and Administration Club to distribute special ordered packages to students. She was the Treasurer of the U. of Scranton’s Environmental Club for 4 years. Carly has also worked at the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza, Wilkes-Barre, PA where she was a Marketing Intern who managed ticket distribution among club seat members, created advertisements, operated the Arenas sponsors, and established charities. She has also previously worked at Barney’s New York Inc., New York, NY as a Human Resources Intern where she assisted in training staff on updated human resource (HR) policies and procedures, handled all orientation activities and induction process for a summer youth program, established a reputation for herself as accessible and having a quick response to staff/manager inquiries in a timely manner. Finally, Carly was also a Recreation Counselor back home in Manalapan, NJ for the Manalapan Township Parks & Recreation Board, where she managed reports for situations of conflict resolution and determined how to best address them as well as participated actively in activities related to motivating campers within the Park.

OrangeHRM, is an open source HR program that Carly suggested that EPCAMR use, given our limited budget, and she has agreed to spend nearly 40 hours of community service to us over the next two months to input all of the necessary files, database information, staff, volunteer, time sheets, evaluations, and personnel information into the program for EPCAMR.

Carly also has an interest in Agro-Forestry and will soon be entering the PEACE CORPS where she will be a volunteer in September 2014 and call Thise, (pronounced CHESS) Senegal, home for the next 2 years. She will be assisting the EPCAMR Staff and Watershed Outreach Interns in the next few weeks on a tree planting project at the Earth Conservancy’s Espy Run AMD Treatment Wetlands System location in Hanover Twp., Luzerne County, PA, using Groassis Waterboxxes.

Robert E. Hughes, EPCAMR Executive Director stated, “I’m really very grateful for Carly seeking EPCAMR out through our VolunteerMatch listing online that has served us quite well in obtaining VERY skilled and well-rounded students and community volunteers that share an interest in the environment. Not all of our listings are directly environmental, and so we have other opportunities to volunteer that most people don’t think about when one normally thinks about a non-profit environmental organization. We are a small, yet far-reaching organization with a long history of great work in the field of environmental restoration, stream remediation, and environmental education, and we do lack some areas of expertise, I’m not ashamed to admit it. Human Resources is one of them. We have to wear many hats and give ourselves many titles throughout the day to get the job done. Having Carly come in and set up this HR system in OrangeHRM, that is FREE and OPEN-SOURCE, which are two words that are like candy to kids in a candy store, is going to be a HUGE benefit to EPCAMR and myself as the Executive Director. Funding is very hard to come by to fill these types of positions in the grant world, so getting caught up on our backlog of administrative HR work and filing, is going to give me a big sigh of relief. I truly appreciate Carly coming to EPCAMR and gaining some valuable experiences with our organization as well, not just in terms of HRM, but in terms of her gaining a increased knowledge and perspective on the kind of work that we do in undeserved coalfield communities throughout NE and NC PA. She has already separated all of our full-time and part-time staff payroll and time sheet files into an easier to manage file folder system in my drawer making it much easier for me to insert the constant bi-weekly flow of paperwork into each of their respective files. What I haven’t had the time to do in years because of my time spent in other areas of importance on projects, grant management, project development, securing funding, networking, building coalitions, conducting cleanups, providing technical services to others, and conducting outdoor environmental education programs, she has done in less than a week. That’s amazing! ”



About Bobby Hughes

Bobby Hughes is the Executive Director for EPCAMR since the inception of the organization in 1997. For more information please visit his biography page.

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