Virtual Volunteer, Jill Mayo, from Plainview, NY Doing Wonders for EPCAMR as a Grey Literature Researcher from Home

EPCAMR has had the wonderful opportunity to reach out and think outside the box and come up with some volunteer opportunities that don’t involve even having to be in the EPCAMR Office, out in the field of AMD in PA, stomping around AMD Treatment Wetlands, or in direct contact with us, except for constant communication via e-mail, FaceBook, or a telephone call or two a month. Once such opportunity that we created was a Grey Literature Researcher and Database Manager Volunteer position that is currently held by Jill Mayo, from Plainview, NY, about 35 miles east of New York City.

Grey literature refers to reports, papers, published articles, maps, documents, studies, research, that are not commercially published (as in books or scientific articles usually) and are produced by government agencies, bureaus, Federal agencies, Universities, Colleges, or other educational institutions.

Jill has been doing a very thorough and exhaustive literature research to search out and seek to assist us with compiling an exhaustive database of Anthracite Mining Region Resources, Maps, etc. that we can add to our clearinghouse site for the public and to assist us with referencing our reports, studies, and projects that we undertake in the EPCAMR Region. She has created a database that she’s been updating over the last several months that just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Jill Mayo is EPCAMR's Grey Literature Researcher and Database Manager of referenced documentation,resources, maps, and other historical documentation on mine water resources  to assist EPCAMR with our work in PA.

Jill Mayo is EPCAMR’s Grey Literature Researcher and Database Manager of referenced documentation, resources, maps, and other historical documentation on mine water resources to assist EPCAMR with our work in PA.

She volunteers her time on weekday evenings and on weekends. She has done other work related to, GPS, ArcGIS, and Archaeology. She has previous experience in copying reference materials, archaeology site documentation, and working on shellfish studies for the Nature Conservancy, Long Island, NY.

“EPCAMR appreciates that Jill has offered to help us out and it is even more wonderful that she is doing it from the comforts of her own home more than 3.5 hours away and totally outside of the Coal Region. We appreciate her previous experience and offer to help us out in putting this information together that will only help us save time and energy looking for it ourselves, since there are only two of us full-time at EPCAMR who can only handle so much of the workload. Her hours that she has put in to date and the sheer number of great references and literature cited that she has documented is going to help us tremendously in going through the relevant resources and documents that we need to further support our work in PA’s Coal Region. I am looking forward to her continued work with us and hope to one day meet up with her or at least send her some Anthracite Coal around Christmas time as a present for her volunteer service.” Robert E. Hughes, said with a chuckle.

About Bobby Hughes

Bobby Hughes is the Executive Director for EPCAMR since the inception of the organization in 1997. For more information please visit his biography page.

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