Bill Widmer, Outdoor Nature Enthusiast from the Pocono Region to join the Army of EPCAMR Volunteers this Fall!

 Bill Widmer is a part of the generation of new thinkers. He believes that our communities can accomplish great things if we all start working together and caring about each other. He loves being out in nature, and he wants to do everything he can to clean it up and preserve it so the next generation can see its beauty too! He’s not a person who wants to follow in corporate America and work 9-5 every day for the rest of his life and be miserable. He considers himself a philosopher and he believes there is so much more out there than a cushy job, big house, and nice car.
He loves to listen to music; anything that inspires him. He plays the ukulele because it is so easy to pick up and go! He also loves exploring and meeting new people and places. Drawing is one of his hobbies as well. He has four cats and four dogs. His Mother is a veterinarian’s assistant.
Bill will be joining us in the Fall on outdoor field tours, tree plantings, and water monitoring on occasion and will be taking pictures of EPCAMR in action as one of our few Executive Director Assistant’s Nature Photographer. EPCAMR is sure that he’ll see some dramatic differences from his hometown in Thornhurst, PA when he begins his adventure into the Anthracite Coal Region. Maybe he’ll catch some things that we may often overlook with his eye in the lens!
Bill Widmer, with one of his four dogs on his deck in Thornhurst, PA

Bill Widmer, with one of his four dogs on his deck in Thornhurst, PA

About Bobby Hughes

Bobby Hughes is the Executive Director for EPCAMR since the inception of the organization in 1997. For more information please visit his biography page.

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