The Delaware River Keeper Network’s Watershed Congress is Accepting Registrations

Register for the 2012 Watershed Congress, which is celebrating 15 years of sharing information, tools, and practices on watershed protection and restoration.

With a focus on networking across disciplines, the Watershed Congress melds science, policy, and practical applications into one program. As a result, the annual Watershed Congress is a highly anticipated event for people interested in understanding, protecting, and restoring their local streams.

Our 2012 program features sessions on: Native Plants; Green Infrastructure; Monitoring and Evaluating in the Hopewell Big Woods; Schuylkill Watershed Geology; Dam Removal; Next Steps in American Shad Restoration; Sustainable Stormwater Management; Pennsylvania Delaware River Basin Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program; Chemical-Free Lawn Management; Constructed Wetlands for On-Lot Wastewater Treatment; and more!

The 2012 Watershed Congress is made possible in part by grants from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation Environmental Stewardship Fund, and Pennsylvania Sea Grant. EPCAMR is a conference supporter.

Register online here.

Register by February 17th, 2012 to qualify for the $40 early registration fee. From February 18th to March 2nd, the fee is $50. After March 2nd, the fee increases to $60.

Please contact Chari Towne with questions about the Watershed Congress or how to register.

Schuylkill Programs
Delaware Riverkeeper Network
925 Canal Street, Suite 3701
Bristol, PA 19007

Phone: (215) 369-1188, ext. 109
Cell: (610) 469-6005
Fax: (215) 369-1181

Delaware Riverkeeper Network Facebook

About Bobby Hughes

Bobby Hughes is the Executive Director for EPCAMR since the inception of the organization in 1997. For more information please visit his biography page.

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