EPCAMR Releases Current List of Environmental Education Programs

EPCAMR’s New Place-Based Environmental Education Programs Now Available!

Ashley, PA – The place-based environmental education programs have long been a cornerstone of EPCAMR’s philosophy and community services. Executive Director, Robert Hughes, and Program Manager, Michael Hewitt, have been working with schools, clubs, and community organizations for more than a decade, educating children and adults about the aquatic welfare throughout the region. EPCAMR emphasizes the knowledge of students’ immediate environment, teaching about the local waterways and the effects of abandoned mine drainage on the ecosystem throughout the watershed. Presently there are 13 different educational programs being offered, and each can be specifically tailored to reflect current in-class curriculum. Prices for the programs will be assessed based on the size of the group and distance traveled to the teaching site. If you would like to receive a brochure by mail, you may request one through our website or email us at info@epcamr.org. The online version is available at our Environmental Education and Outreach Programs Page.

About hardcoal

Michael Hewitt is the Program Manager for EPCAMR and has worked in several capacities for the organization since 2001. For more information please visit his biography page.

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