Centralia: Pennsylvania’s Lost Town on Blu-Ray or DVD


One (1) Centralia: Pennsylvania’s Lost Town on DVD or Blu-Ray

SKU: 870 Category:


A 2017 CENTONE PICTURES RELEASE – A coal mining town of approximately 1,500 residents in upstate Pennsylvania is overcome by a massive underground mine fire which began in May of 1962. After many failed attempts by the government to put out the fire, it grew larger and moved beneath most of the town. Through vintage photos, live news clips, news articles, former documentaries on the town, interviews from retired mining and state officials, remaining residents, lawyers, environmentalists, tourists, and former residents, this feature documentary is rolled up into one story and focuses on the history of the town, the tourists it allures, the alleged curse that was placed on the town, the people who lived in it when it was thriving, the lawsuit that was won by the few remaining residents, the coal companies that have an eye on Centralia, and what remains of Centralia in 2014 through 2016. This is Centralia’s story, told by the people who lived through it.

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Additional information

Weight 0.5 oz
DVD or Blu-Ray

DVD, Blu-Ray


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